A hair transplant procedure compared to Unit Hair System (U.H.S) seems like a sub-optimal and unnecessarily expensive solution for baldness, and hair loss, not to forget the risks that come with such an operation either. ❖ Risks of infections and inflammations ❖ Inability to fix Wrong Hair placement without having to undergo further surgical operations. ❖ Despite hair transplant being advertised as a permanent solution it is widely agreed and known that after 10 years or so the hair shafts become thin and baldness resurfaces. • Can you swim with Unit Hair System (U.H.S)?
The Unit Hair System (U.H.S) can offer everything a hair transplant does with the added benefit of a risk-free, instant, and inexpensive procedure. Risk-free: Unlike hair transplant, Unit Hair System (U.H.S) has no risk of any infections, inflammations, or any long-term unwanted effects. Inexpensive: Compared to an approximately 6000$ or so procedure that harbors a lot of risks, a Unit Hair System (U.H.S) ranging from 180$ to 600$ seems to be a much better and optimal solution for baldness and hair loss. Instant: All it takes is 2 weeks' worth of working days customizing the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) according to the instructions you gave.
The Unit Hair System (U.H.S) is the latest state-of-the-art technology when it comes to wigs for men. Unit Hair System (U.H.S) is an effective, inexpensive, and quick solution for baldness and hair loss. Made of 100% real human hair configured for the sole purpose of imitating real hair and giving the sensation that it’s growing out of the scalp.
Our Unit Hair System (U.H.S) offers you the benefit of hair thickness and richness without the need to undergo a painful, long, and needlessly expensive (6000$ Approximately)procedure to plant hair back with the risk of it causing infection, inflammation, and even the possibility of it failing altogether.
Yes thanks to our powerful water-resistant Adhesive glue (Ghost Bond, Roll Tape, Double Tape) you can swim normally with the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) on without fearing the risk of it falling off at any given moment. However, it must be noted that regular swimming shortens the life span of the Unit Hair System (U.H.S).
Thanks to the water-resistant adhesives we work with, the glued area is under no risk of falling off or being peeled due to showers. On the contrary, we recommend showering in the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) daily or every other day to get rid of the oils released by the scalp that can cause the bonding to break down faster. Showering with the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) helps it last longer. Devise caution during showering It is highly recommended to be gentle and careful with the Unit Hair System (U.H.S), gently rubbing the hair at the roots without pulling on the hair aggressively since it can damage the unit. Once you have washed the roots, it is recommended you condition the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) using shampoo or a conditioner specifically made for Unit Hair System (U.H.S). When it comes to styling the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) after a shower it is recommended to let it air dry completely or 80% before styling it into the desired shape and style using a wide-toothed comb.
The Unit Hair System (U.H.S) Base constitutes of MESH with pores allowing the scalp to breathe and water to reach underneath the Unit Hair System (U.H.S). It is recommended to shower the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) every day using a specialized conditioner or shampoo as it elongates the Unit Hair System (U.H.S)’s life span and gets rid of unwanted oil secreted by the scalp and sweat.
The Unit Hair System (U.H.S) can last from 5 months up to a whole year depending on how careful and delicate you are with it. However, it is required to visit Ali Yehya Salon every month to undergo the monthly deep-cleaning session.
For lovers of swimming, extreme physical sports, and even skydiving, the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) is there to stay. Thanks to the powerful bonding adhesives we apply to it when fitting. It is going nowhere, however, it is still up to the user’s efforts and how well they take care of the Unit Hair System (U.H.S).
We at Ali Yehya offer the customers 3 choices or methods when it comes to gluing the Unit Hair System (U.H.S). 1. By applying the adhesive Ghost bond to the Unit Hair System (U.H.S). 2. By using the Roll Tape/Double Tape Method (most recommended, and effective). 3. Using hair clips (the least recommended method when it comes to individuals that do sports or want to swim and shower with the unit still on) the hair clip method dictates that the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) must be taken off when participating in such activities
By using a meter, customers take the measurements of their scalps horizontally and vertically in inches. Or they could save themselves the whole procedure and come to the salon to take accurate measurements, pick the color palette, and the hair type, and customize the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) according to their preferences.
To book an appointment you can call us on The Lebanese branch number: +961 76354398
The Egyptian Branch number: 00 20 1226564623 Or you can CONTACT US on our 24/7 customer service
❖ For customers residing in Lebanon and Egypt: It is recommended to book an appointment at the salon to take the scalp’s accurate measurements, choose the color palette and hair type, as well as customizing the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) according to the customer’s needs and preferences. ❖ For customers residing in foreign countries: Ali Yehya’s customer service employees will provide you with tutorial videos on how to accurately measure the scalp sizes (horizontally and vertically) required for fitting the unit. Once that step is done, the measurements are relayed to the salon along with the customized hairstyle, type, and palette you prefer. The Unit Hair System (U.H.S) will be shipped to your location according to the preferences and customizations you made using the DHL shipping service. • Can we cust
Yes you can customize the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) remotely by following the instructions our customer service provides you with as well as the tutorial videos that will teach you how to take accurate scalp measurements, help you pick your hairstyle, design, and palette you like, as well as teach you how to apply, remove and clean the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) during its monthly maintenance period.
The entire purpose of the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) is to blend perfectly with your hair giving the illusion that it is real hair growing from your scalp. Thanks to the latest technological advances in this domain the Unit Hair System (U.H.S) is completely undetectable to the naked eye blending perfectly with the hairline.